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Entropy and the Arrow of Time - YouTube

This article is an overview of the subject. For more technical discussions and information related to current research, see Entropy (time arrow).

The Arrow of Time , or Time's Arrow , is a concept developed in 1927 by British astronomer Arthur Eddington that involves "one-way direction" or "asymmetry" of time. This is a general unsolved question of physics. This direction, according to Eddington, can be determined by studying the organization of atoms, molecules, and bodies, and may be drawn on the world's four dimensional relativistic map ( "solid block of paper").

Physical processes at the microscopic level are believed to be entirely or most of the time symmetrical: if the direction of time reverses direction, the theoretical statements describing it will remain true. But at the macroscopic level it is often seen that this is not the case: there is a clear direction (or stream ) of time.

Video Arrow of time


In the 1928 book The Nature of the Physical World, which helped popularize the concept, Eddington stated:

Let's draw an arbitrary arrow. If when we follow the arrow we find more and more random elements in the world state, then the arrow points to the future; if the random element reduces the arrow point to the past. That's the only difference that physics knows. This follows at once if our basic assertion recognizes that the introduction of randomness is the only undisputable thing. I will use the phrase 'time arrow' to express a one-way time property that has no analog in space.

Eddington then gives three points to note about this arrow:

  1. It is clearly recognized by consciousness.
  2. This is equally enforced by our reasoning faculty, who tell us that the reversal of arrows will make the external world unreasonable.
  3. No appearance in physical science except in organizational studies of individuals.

According to Eddington arrows indicate the progressive progressive direction of the random element. Following a long argument about the nature of thermodynamics he concluded that, as far as physics is concerned, the time arrow is the property of entropy alone.

Maps Arrow of time


The symmetry of time (T-symmetry) can be understood by a simple analogy: if the time is perfectly symmetrical, the real-life video will look realistic whether it is played forward or backward. The obvious objection to this idea is gravity: things fall, not rise. But the ball that is thrown, slows down to a stop and falls into the hand is a case where the recording will look equally realistic forward and back. The system is T-symmetrical but while it will "advance" the kinetic energy is dissipated and the entropy increases. Entropy may be one of several processes that can not be returned time. According to the notion of increased entropy statistics, the "arrow" time is identified with a decrease in free energy.

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Thermodynamic timestamp

Arrow time is "one-way direction" or "asymmetry" time. The time thermodynamic arrow is provided by the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which says that in an isolated system, entropy tends to increase over time. Entropy can be regarded as a measure of microscopic disturbance; Thus, the Second Law implies that time is asymmetric with respect to the number of orders in an isolated system: as the system progresses over time, it becomes statistically more irregular. This asymmetry can be used empirically to distinguish between the future and the past although measuring entropy does not accurately measure time. Also in open system entropy can decrease over time.

British physicist Sir Alfred Brian Pippard writes, "Thus there is no justification for that view, often repeated over and over again, that the Second Law of Thermodynamics is only statistically true, in the sense that microscopic violations are repeatedly occurring, but never serious offenses On the contrary, no evidence has ever been presented that the Second Law was corrupted under any circumstances. "However, there are a number of paradoxes concerning the violation of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, one of them being the theorem of repetition of Poincarà ©.

This time arrow seems to be related to all other time arrows and arguably underlies some of them, with the exception of weak time arrows.

Harold Blum's 1951 book The Time of Arrows and Evolution "explores the relationship between the time arrows (the second law of thermodynamics) and organic evolution." This influential text explores "irreversibility and direction in evolution and order, negentropy, and evolution." Blum argues that evolution follows a specific pattern determined by the inorganic nature of the earth and its thermodynamic processes.

Time cosmological arrow

The cosmological time arrow points to the expansion of the universe. This may be related to the thermodynamic arrow, with the universe to the "Big Chill" death due to the amount of usable energy being meaningless. Alternatively, this may be an artifact of our place in the evolution of the universe (see anthropic bias), with this arrow retreating as gravity pulls everything back into the Big Crunch.

If the time arrow is related to another time arrow, then the future is by definition to which the universe is becoming larger. Thus, the universe expands - not shrink - by definition.

The thermodynamic arrows of time and the second law of thermodynamics are regarded as a consequence of the initial conditions in the early universe. Therefore they are ultimately the result of cosmological arrangements.

Arrow time of radiation

Waves, from radio waves to sound waves to people in the pond from throwing rocks, extend outward from the source, although wave equations allow for convergent and radiative wave solutions. This arrow has been reversed in a thoroughly worked experiment that has created convergent waves, so that this arrow may follow from the thermodynamic arrows in meeting conditions to produce convergent waves requires more sequence than conditions for radiation waves. In other words, the probability for the initial conditions generating convergent waves is much lower than the probability for the initial conditions that produce radiation waves. In fact, radiation waves typically increase entropy, while convergent waves decrease, making the latter contradict the Second Law of Thermodynamics under ordinary circumstances.

The time causal arrow

The cause precedes the effect: a causal event occurs before the event affects. Birth, for example, follows a successful conception and not the other way around. So causality is very tied with the arrow of time.

The epistemological problem of using causality as a time arrow is that, as David Hume maintains, the causal relationship itself can not be perceived; someone just felt the sequence of events. Furthermore, it is very difficult to provide a clear explanation of what the actual cause and effect means, or to define the events they refer to. However, it seems clear that dropping a cup of water is a temporary cause of a cup that then breaks and spills water is the effect.

Physically, the perception of cause and effect in falling cup samples is a time thermodynamic arrow phenomenon, a consequence of the second law of thermodynamics. Controlling the future, or causing something to happen, creates a correlation between the offender and its effect, and this can only be made as we move forward in time, not backward.

Physical particle (weak) arrow time

Certain sub-atomic interactions involving weak nuclear forces violate parity conservation and load conjugation, but only very rarely. An example is the decay of a kaon. According to the CPT Theorem, this means they must also be an irreversible time, and thus form a time arrow. Such processes must be responsible for the creation of material in the early universe.

That combination of parity and conjugation of damaged loads rarely means that this arrow is just "barely" pointing in one direction, making it separate from other arrows whose direction is much clearer. This arrow has not been associated with large-scale temporal behavior until Joan Vaccaro's work, which suggests that T offenses can be responsible for the law and the dynamics of conservation.

Quantum timer arrow

According to Copenhagen's interpretation of quantum mechanics, quantum evolution is governed by the Schrödinger equation, which is symmetric time, and by the collapse of wave functions, of which time is irreversible. Because the mechanism of the collapse of the philosophical wave function is unclear, it is not entirely clear how these arrows are connected with others. Although post-measurement conditions are entirely stochastic in quantum mechanical formulations, links to thermodynamic arrows have been proposed, noting that the second law of thermodynamics is similar to the observation that nature exhibits a bias for falling wave functions into higher entropy states. which is lower, and claims that this is only because countries more likely to be high entropy collide with the Loschmidt paradox. According to one physical view of the collapse of the wave function, the theory of quantum decoherence, the quantum arrow of time is the consequence of the thermodynamic arrow of time.

Quantum time source

Physicists say that quantum uncertainty raises attachment, the source of which is suspected from the arrow of time. The idea that the windings might explain the time arrow was proposed by Seth Lloyd in the 1980s. Lloyd argues that quantum uncertainty, and the way it splits as particles becomes more entangled, can replace human uncertainty in old classical evidence as the source of the real time arrows. According to Lloyd; "The arrow of time is the arrow of increasing correlation."

Psychological/perceptual arrow time

The associated mental arrows arise because one has the feeling that one's perception is a continuous movement from the known (past) to the unknown (future). Anticipating the unknown forms a psychological future that seems to always be something that is moving toward it, but, like the projection in the mirror, it makes what is already a part of memory, such as desires, dreams, and hopes, visible to the observer.

The association "behind the <=> past" and the "future <=> future" itself is culturally determined. For example, the Aymara language association "in front of <=> the past" and "behind <=> the future". Similarly, the Chinese term for "day after day"? ("hÃÆ'²u ti? n") literally means "after (or behind) days", whereas "the day before yesterday" ?? ("qiÃÆ'¡n ti? n") is literally "before (or ahead of time)."

The words "yesterday" and "tomorrow" both translate into the same word in Hindi: ?? ("cal"), which means "[one] day is far from today." Ambiguity is solved with tense verbs. ????? ("parso?") is used for "days before yesterday" and "day after day", or "two days from today". ????? ("narso?") is used for "three days from today."

The other side of the psychological journey of time is in the will and action. We plan and often perform actions intended to influence the course of future events. From Rubaiyat:

Source of the article : Wikipedia
