The heart shape (? ) is a figurography used to express the idea of ​​"heart" in a figurative sense or symbol as a center of emotion, including affection and love, especially romantic love.
"The wounded heart" indicates the pain of love coming to be described as a symbol of a pierced heart (Cupid's), or a "broken" symbol in two or more pieces.
Video Heart (symbol)
Origins of symbol
Greece. In the 6th century until the 5th century BC, the heart shape was used to represent the heart-shaped fruit of the Silphium plant, a plant that might be used as a contraceptive. Many species in the parsley family have estrogenic properties, and some, such as wild carrots, are used to induce abortion. Silver coins from Cyrene from 6-5 BC have the same design, sometimes accompanied by a cylindrical plant and understood to represent the seed or fruit.
The earliest use
The combination of heart shape and its use in cardiac metaphors developed at the end of the Middle Ages, although its form has been used in many ancient epigraphic monuments and texts. With the possibility of early examples or direct predecessors in the 13th to 14th centuries, the familiar symbol of the heart representing love flourished in the 15th century, and became popular in Europe in the 16th century. Before the 14th century, the shape of the heart was not associated with the meaning of the metaphor of the heart. The geometric shape itself is found in much earlier sources, but in such examples it does not portray the heart, but usually leaves: in the examples of ancient tree leaves, and in medieval iconography and symbols usually leaves ivy and lotus flowers. One possible early use in the 11th century can be found in the manuscript, Al-Maqamat written by Al Hariri of Basra. The manuscript includes an illustration of farewell between two men as they straddle their camel, with the shape of the heart visible above their heads.
The first known depiction of the heart as a symbol of romantic love dates from the 1250s. It happened in a miniature decorate the capital 'S' in the French manuscript Roman de la poire (National Library FR MS. 2086, plate 12). In a miniature a lovers kneel (or rather, an allegory of sweet lovers' gaze or douz regart ) offers his heart to a girl. The heart here resembles a pine cone (held "upside down", point facing up), according to the description of medieval anatomy. However, in this miniature what shows the heart shape only results from the fingers of a lover superimposed on an object; the full shape line of the object is partially hidden, and therefore unknown. In addition, the French title of the manuscript featuring the miniature translates to "Novel Of The Pear" in English. So the heart-shaped object will become a pear; the conclusion that the pear represents a dubious heart. Opinions differ because this is the first depiction of the heart as a symbol of romantic love. Giotto in his 1305 year painting in Scrovegni Chapel (Padua) shows the allegory of charity (caritas) who surrendered his heart to Jesus Christ. The heart is also depicted in the pine cone shape based on the anatomical description of the day (still held "upside down"). Giotto's painting had a profound effect on later painters, and Caritas's motives offered the heart shown by Taddeo Gaddi in Santa Croce, by Andrea Pisano at the bronze door of the Baptistry's southern patio in Florence (c 1337), by Ambrogio Lorenzetti at Palazzo Publico in Siena (c 1340) and by Andrea da Firenze at Santa Maria Novella in Florence (c 1365). The convention shows a heart-to-point switch at the end of the 14th century and became rare in the first half of the 15th century.
The "toothed" shape of the now familiar heart symbol, with its subtle embossment, appeared at the beginning of the 14th century, initially only slightly dented, as in the miniature at Francesco Barberino Documenti d'amore (before 1320). A slightly later example with clearer indentations is found in manuscripts from Cistercian monasteries in Brussels (MS 4459-70, fol 192v Royal Library of Belgium). The convention shows the indentation at the base of the heart that it spreads at almost the same time as the convention that shows the heart with its core down. The modern red indentation heart has been used for playing cards since the end of the 15th century.
Various hypotheses seek to connect the "heart shape" because it evolved in the late Middle Ages with examples of geometric shapes in ancient times. Such theories are modern, proposed from the 1960s onward, and they remain speculative, since there is no continuity between the ancient predecessors and the late medieval traditions that can be demonstrated. Special suggestions include: the shape of the silfium plant seeds, used in ancient times as herbal contraceptives, and depictions of the female body features female features, such as female breasts, buttocks, pubic mounds, or spreading vulva.
Renaissance and modern beginnings
The heart forms can be seen in the Bible that Jesus holds in the Mosaic Age consort at Hagia Sophia in Istanbul, but the reference to the organ may not be enhanced. May be the date of 1239.
Likewise, the heart shape can be seen in various stucco reliefs and wall panels dug from the ruins of Ctesiphon, the Persian capital (c. 90 BC - 637 AD).
Luther's ride was a seal designed for Martin Luther on the orders of Prince John Frederick, in 1530, while Luther lived in Coburg Castle during the Augsburg Diet. Luther wrote the symbolic explanation to Lazarus Spengler: "the black cross in the heart, which preserves its natural color, so that I myself will be reminded that faith in sanctification saves us." For the believer from the heart will be justified '(Romans 10:10). "
The aorta remains visible, as a bulge at the top centered between two "rooms" indicated in symbols, in some depictions of the Sacred Heart until the 18th century, and some still shown today (though largely obscured by elements such as crowns , fire, light, or cross) but the "heart" clothes do not have this element since the 15th century.
Simbol hati mencapai Jepang dengan perdagangan Nanban 1543-1614, sebagaimana dibuktikan oleh periode Samurai helm Edo (tanggal c. 1630), yang mencakup kedua bentuk bulat dan indent dari simbol hati, mewakili jantung Marishiten, dewi pemanah.
Since the 19th century, this symbol is often used on Valentine's Day cards, candy boxes, and popular cultural artifacts that are similar as symbols of romantic love.
The use of heart symbols as logographs for the English to "to love" verb derived from the use in "I? NY," which was introduced in 1977.
Heart symbols are used to symbolize "health" or "life" in a video game; very influential in the The Legend of Zelda (1986). Super Mario Bros 2 (1987, 1988) has a life bar consisting of hexagon, but in the 1990s remakes of these games, hexagon was replaced by heart forms. Since the 1990s, heart symbols have also been used as ideograms that demonstrate health beyond the context of video games, eg. its use by restaurants to show healthy heart nutritional content claims (eg "low cholesterol"). A "heart-check" copyright-protected symbol to show heart-healthy food was introduced by the American Heart Association in 1995.
- Heraldry
- Cordata, Cordatum and Cordatus, a Latin adjective meaning heart-shaped
- Seeblatt
- PJ Vinken (2000), Heart Form: Contribution to Heart Iconology (ed illustration), Elsevier Health Sciences, ISBN 978-0-444-82987-0
The earliest accusations of heart form in the emblem appear in the 12th century; the heart in the Danish emblem returned to the royal banner of the kings of Denmark, in turn based on the seals used as early as the 1190s. However, while the allegations are clearly heart-shaped, they do not simply describe the heart, or symbolize any ideas related to love. Instead they are assumed to have described lotus leaves. The initial cost of heart-shaped lily leaves is found in many other designs associated with areas close to rivers or shorelines ( for example. Frisian Flag).
Inverted heart symbols have been used in symbols as stylized testis ( coglioni in Italian) as in the canting arm of the Colleoni family in Milan.
The seal attributed to William, Lord of Douglas (of 1333) shows the shape of the heart, identified as the heart of Robert the Bruce. The authenticity of this stamp is "highly questionable", which may date until the end of the 14th or even 15th century.
The accused allegations actually represent the heart became more common in the early modern period, with the Sacred Heart depicted in spiritual symbols, and the heart representing the love that appears in the bourgeois symbols. Careful also then become popular elements in municipal weapon twists.
Maps Heart (symbol)
Botanical symbolism: Silphium
There are some conjectures about the relationship between traditional heart symbols and images of Silphium fruit, an extinct (possibly) extinct crop known to classical antiquity and belonging to the genus Ferula, used as a spice and medicine, (medicinal properties including contraceptive and abortiform activities, linking plants with sexuality and love). The silver coins from ancient Libya from the 6th to 5th century BC images are very reminiscent of heart symbols, sometimes accompanied by images of the Silphium plant. Asafoetida-related Ferula Species - actually used as an inferior substitute for Silphium - are considered aphrodisiacs in Tibet and India, indicating the absence of a third association of associations related to Silphium.
Common heart emotions are & lt; 3. In Unicode some heart symbols are available:
And from the Miscellaneous Symbols and the Pictographs range associated with emoji:
On Code 437 page, IBM's original PC character set, 3 (hexadecimal 03) represents the heart symbol. This value is shared by non-printed ETX control characters, which overwrite glyphs in many contexts.
Unicode Character of the ghan letter of the Georgian alphabet (?) Has seen some use as a substitute heart symbol in online communication.
A number of parametrises around the heart-shaped curve have been described. The most famous of these are cardioids, which are epicycloids with a single peak; although as cardioids have no dots, it may be seen as a stylish lotus leaf, called seeblatt, not the liver. Other curves, such as the implicit curve (x 2 y 2 -1) 3 -x 2 y 3 = 0, can result in better estimate of liver shape.
See also
Inline quote
The work cited
Martin Kemp, "The Heart" in Christ to Coke: How the Image Became Icon , Oxford University Press, 2011, 81-113.General reference
- Vinken, P (2001), "How heart is held in medieval art", The Lancet , 358 (9299): 2155-2157, doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736 (01) 07224-5, PMIDÃ, 11784647
External links
- The Heart Symbols, - Origin, History And Significance (essay by cardiologist Armin Dietz)
- List of Unicode Heart Symbols
Source of the article : Wikipedia